In 1964 PLASTIMAC was formed in Milan, Italy to act as a trading company in the plastic field.
Consolidation of the company, whose machines where, by then, exported to 99 countries on 5 continents.
Has been a highly competitive era in which we have specialized by de-centralizing rather than becoming a single giant company, with the objective to move the sales force near the customers and to maintain plant locations where materials, components and suitable skilled manpower are available. A holding company is emerging around which a constellation of satellite companies will revolve in all stratas associated with the plastics machinery field of activity.
We saw an invitation to cooperators, competitors, shippers, indeed all professionals in this field of plastics to be together. Our personnel was looking for joint ventures, to give licenses, to acquire licenses or anything else where the combining of talents could be seen as an improvement towards our goal of excellence in our chosen fields.
Our target is to improve efficiency and quality and at the same time reduce costs.
PLASTIMAC remains the Holding Company of the group, with very light trading, focusing on the financial strength of the companies of the group.
In 2020 Plastimac Srl merged with Plastimm Srl the Real Estate Company of the Plastimac Group that was dealing in Industrial and Office spaces.